Ben Groom has facilitated several workshops with HM Treasury on the topic of social discounting. These workshops served the purpose of informing and updating the Treasury with regard to the latest academic literature on social discounting and advocating for changes…
Policy & Impact Categories
Dragon project team members have been key to the design and implementation of pioneering market approaches which increase the efficient selection of land-use change projects to deliver water quality improvements. This work is carried out in the UK, with water…
Contributions to the HM Green Book on Cost Benefit Analysis, delivering workshops on social discounting, environmental pricing and pricing of biodiversity
Contributions to the HM Green Book on Cost Benefit Analysis, delivering workshops on social discounting, environmental pricing and pricing of biodiversity
The Dragon project team have been key to the design and implementation of a HMT-funded market for carbon sequstration in the UK. The novel market approach determines a price guarantee for carbon sequestration stemming from woodland creation.
The team have responded to various US policy public consultations.
Ben Groom's work on the social cost of carbon has been cited by, and influenced, a number of high-profile international organisations, bodies and policies.
In response to the planned Biodiversity Net Gain legislation, members of the Dragon team have been key to the design of world-first markets for the exchange of biodiversity net gain credits. These designs are crucial to ensuring that housebuilders get…
In response to the Nutrient Neutrality legislation, members of the project team have been key to the design of world-first markets for the exchange of Nutrient Neutrality credits. These designs are crucial to ensuring that housebuilders get the water quality…
The team's work on the social cost of carbon has been cited by, and influenced, a number of high-profile US organisations, bodies and policies.